Drivers for PyPI

If you want to share your driver with others, all you have to do is create a PyPI package out of the folder you created above.

You can of course also fork our driver repository and create a pull request with the new driver you wrote and we will be happy to add your driver to PyPI for you.

Or you can also send us the files via email and we will add them to the repository and PyPI for you.

To create a PyPI package for your driver you should have the following folder structure:

└─> dist (this is automatically created by python -m build)
    └─> nomad_camels_driver_<driver_name>-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
    └─> nomad_camels_driver_<driver_name>-X.Y.Z-py3-none-any.whl
└─> nomad_camels_driver_<driver_name> (contains the actual device communication files)
    └─> <driver_name>.py
    └─> <driver_name>
└─> LICENSE.txt
└─> pyproject.toml

The pyproject.toml file contains most of the relevant information concerning the package that will be uploaded to PyPI (see the setuptools page).


Most importantly the project name and version must be set in the pyproject.toml file.

Here is an exemplary .toml file:

Code example: pyproject.toml file for the Keithley 237
requires = ["setuptools>=61.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "nomad_camels_driver_keithley_237"
version = "0.1.4"
authors = [
    { name="FAIRmat - HU Berlin", email="" }
description = "Instrument driver for the Keithley 237 SMU."
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.9.6"
classifiers = [
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 (LGPLv2)",
    "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
dependencies = [
"GitHub Page" = ""
"Documentation" = ""

1. Building the Instrument Package

To create a new package that can be installed via pip from PyPI follow these steps.

  1. Make sure you have build and twine installed into your python environment with

    pip install build


    pip install twine
  2. Go to the <driver_name> directory of the driver. So the parent directory containing the pyproject.toml

  3. Set the correct version number and metadata in your pyproject.toml file

  4. Run the build command :

    python -m build

    This creates the dist/ folder and the distributions to upload to PyPI

  5. Upload to PyPI with

    python -m twine upload dist/nomad*

2. Automated Build and Upload

You can run the following script using microsoft PowerShell in the $rootFolder containing multiple instrument drivers in subdirectories.
It runs the python -m build and python -m twine upload dist/nomad* commands in each subdirectory containing a pyproject.toml file.

$rootFolder = "C:\Path\To\Root\Folder"
Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -Recurse -Directory | ForEach-Object {
    if (Test-Path "$($_.FullName)\pyproject.toml") {
        Push-Location $_.FullName
        python -m build
        python -m twine upload dist/nomad*

3. Install Instrument Package

To install run

pip install nomad_camels_driver_<driver_name>

where nomad_camels_driver_<driver_name> is the driver name you gave your folder and project.