nomad_camels.main_classes package
nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Connection_Config(parent=None)
Base Class for the widgets used to specify the connection of a given device.
- connection_change
- get_settings()
Overwrite to return the connection-specific settings
- load_settings(settings_dict)
Overwrite to load the connection-specific settings from settings_dict.
- Parameters:
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Connection_Config" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=connection_change() )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Device(name='', virtual=False, tags=None, ophyd_device=None, ophyd_class_name='', additional_info=None, non_channel_functions=None, main_thread_only=False, **kwargs)
General class for all devices/instruments.
If subclassing this in a driver, subclass should be called “subclass”, it will be imported via importlib in that way. Any derived device should also provide the name of its ophyd-class as a string self.ophyd_class_name.
- name
represents the device, should be unique
- Type:
- virtual
whether the device does not need any hardware
- Type:
- tags
list of strings for the device search
- Type:
- ophyd_class_name
name of the class of ophyd_device
- Type:
- settings
settings handed to the ophyd class at runtime of the protocol
- Type:
- config
values, the config-attributes / components of the ophyd device should be set to
- Type:
- channels
channels of the device (i.e.: Signals that are not config)
- Type:
- controls
Dictionary of additional manual controls this device provides
- Type:
- get_additional_info()
Returns the additional information about the instrument.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_additional_string()
returns a string that will be added into the protocol after connecting to the device.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_channels()
returns self.channels, should be overwritten for special purposes (e.g. leaving out some keys of the dictionary)
- Returns:
self.channels – dictionary containing the device’s channels
- Return type:
- get_config()
returns self.config, should be overwritten for special purposes (e.g. leaving out some keys of the dictionary)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_controls()
Returns the device’s specific manual controls.
- Returns:
self.controls – Dictionary of the device’s manual controls
- Return type:
- get_finalize_steps()
Returns the string used in the ‘finally’ part of the protocol’s main function to e.g. close the instrument communication.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_necessary_devices()
Returns a list of the devices that this device needs to function (e.g. for a PID controller).
- get_non_channel_functions()
- get_passive_config()
Not used.
- get_settings()
returns self.settings, should be overwritten for special purposes (e.g. leaving out some keys of the dictionary)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_special_steps()
returns a dictionary containing containing device-specific loopsteps. The key is the loopstep’s name, the value a list containing the Class of the step, and its config-widget.
- Returns:
- Return type:
dict{‘<step_name>’: [Step_Class, Step_Config]}
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Device_Config(parent=None, device_name='', data='', settings_dict=None, config_dict=None, additional_info=None)
Parent class for the configuration-widgets (shown on the frontpanel) of the devices.
- adjust_text_edit_size()
Adjusts the size of the textEdit_desc based on its content.
- connection_type_changed()
Called when the comboBox_connection_type is changed. Switches to another connector-widget to specify things like the Address of the device.
- eln_connection_button_clicked()
- get_config()
Returns the config_dict of the device. Overwrite this function for each device to specify the config.
- get_info()
- get_settings()
Updates the settings_dict with the current settings. Overwrite this function for each device to specify the settings. It is recommended to still call the super() method for the connection-settings.
- load_settings()
Loads the settings from the settings_dict. Depending on the connection-type, the correct widget is set and the settings entered. Overwrite this function (and call it) for the specific settings.
- name_change
- showEvent(event)
Called when the widget is shown.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Device_Config" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=name_change(QString), parameters=QString )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Device_Config_Sub(settings_dict=None, parent=None, config_dict=None)
- get_config()
- get_settings()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Device_Config_Sub" inherits "QWidget": )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Local_VISA(parent=None)
- get_settings()
- load_settings(settings_dict)
- Parameters:
- set_only_resource_name()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Local_VISA" inherits "Connection_Config": )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Simple_Config(parent=None, device_name='', data='', settings_dict=None, config_dict=None, additional_info=None, comboBoxes=None, config_types=None, labels=None)
- get_config()
- get_settings()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Simple_Config" inherits "Device_Config": )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.Simple_Config_Sub(settings_dict=None, parent=None, config_dict=None, comboBoxes=None, config_types=None, labels=None)
- config_changed
- get_config()
- get_settings()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Simple_Config_Sub" inherits "Device_Config_Sub": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=config_changed() )
- nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.check_logged_in()
- nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.check_output(cls) bool
Returns False if the give cls is an instance of a read-only Signal.
- nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.get_channels(dev: Device, include_metadata=False, include_config=False)
returns the components of an ophyd-device that are not listed in the configuration
- Parameters:
dev (ophyd.Device) – The device that should be checked
include_metadata (bool, default False) – If True, also returns the compnents’ metadata
- Returns:
channels – list of the device’s channels if metadata is True, it will be a list of tuples containing the channels’ names and their metadata
- Return type:
- nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.get_configs(ophyd_instance)
Returns the configuration and passive configuration of the given ophyd-instance.
- Parameters:
ophyd_instance (ophyd.Device) – The ophyd-device that should be checked
- Returns:
config (dict) – The configuration of the device
passive_config (dict) – The passive configuration of the device
- nomad_camels.main_classes.device_class.get_outputs(dev: Device)
walks through the components of an ophyd-device and checks whether they can be written
- Parameters:
dev (ophyd.Device) – The device that should be checked
- Returns:
outputs – List of the outputs’ names
- Return type:
nomad_camels.main_classes.list_plot module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.list_plot.Live_List(value_list, table, *, epoch='run', namespace=None, stream_name='primary', parent=None, plot_all_available=False, **kwargs)
- add_to_table(name)
- descriptor(doc)
- Parameters:
- event(doc)
- Parameters:
- new_data
- start(doc)
- Parameters:
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Live_List" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data() )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.list_plot.Teleporter
- name_doc_escape
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Teleporter" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=name_doc_escape(QString,QVariantMap,PyObject), parameters=QString, QVariantMap, PyObject )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.list_plot.Values_List_Plot(value_list, *, epoch='run', namespace=None, title='', stream_name='primary', parent=None, plot_all_available=True, **kwargs)
- autoscale()
- clear_plot()
- closeEvent(a0)
- Parameters:
- closing
- reopened
- show_again()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Values_List_Plot" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=closing() #34 type=Signal, signature=reopened() )
- nomad_camels.main_classes.list_plot.handle_teleport(name, doc, obj)
nomad_camels.main_classes.loop_step module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.loop_step.Loop_Step(name='', parent_step=None, step_info=None, protocol=None, **kwargs)
Main Class for all Loop_Steps.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The custom name of the step.
parent_step (Loop_Step, default None) – The step containing this step. If None, this step is in the outer layer.
step_info (dict, default None) – Dictionary containing all the relevant information of the step.
- append_to_model(item_model, parent=None)
Ensures that the full_name of the loop_step is unique and updates name and full_name, then appends the step to the model.
- Parameters:
item_model (QStandardItemModel) – The item model that manages the view of the steps.
parent (QStandardItem) – (Default value = None) The parent of the step inside the item model
- get_add_main_string()
Adds for example a call to the protocol function to the steps_add_main function of the script.
- get_outer_string()
Returns the string for the protocol, where for example special plots for the step are created.
- get_protocol_short_string(n_tabs=0)
Gives a short overview of the step to quickly understand what the protocol does.
- Parameters:
n_tabs (int) – (Default value = 0) Number of tabs for indentation inside the overview
- Returns:
short_string – The string representing the step
- Return type:
- get_protocol_string(n_tabs=1)
Returns the string that is written into the protocol-file. To make use of the time_weight and status bar, it should start with printing, that the loop_step starts.
- Parameters:
n_tabs (int) – (Default value = 1) Number of tabs for indentation inside the script
- Returns:
protocol_string – The string representing the step
- Return type:
- update_full_name()
Updates the full_name by combination of step_type and name
- update_time_weight()
The number of calls for this step. It is used to set the scaling for the progress bar of the protocol.
- update_used_devices()
Should update used_devices to include all necessary devices.
- update_variables()
Should update the variables_handling, if the loopstep provides variables.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.loop_step.Loop_Step_Config(parent=None, loop_step=None)
Parent class for the configuration Widget of the loop_step. Provides the main layout and a lineEdit for changing the loop_steps name.
- active_changed
- add_other_step
- adjust_text_edit_size()
Adjusts the size of the textEdit_desc based on its content.
- change_active(active)
Changes if the step is active, or “commented out”.
- change_name(name)
Changes the name of the loop_step, then emits the name_changed signal.
- Parameters:
- name_changed
- showEvent(event)
Called when the widget is shown.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Loop_Step_Config" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=name_changed() #34 type=Signal, signature=add_other_step(QVariantMap), parameters=QVariantMap #35 type=Signal, signature=active_changed() )
- update_step_config()
Overwrite this for specific step-configuration. It should provide the loop_step object with all necessary data.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.loop_step.Loop_Step_Container(name='', children=None, parent_step=None, step_info=None, **kwargs)
Parent Class for loop_steps that should contain further steps (like e.g. a for-loop).
- Parameters:
children (list of Loop_Step) – A list of the children inside this step (in the order, they are to be executed)
- add_child(child, position=-1)
Add a child-step at the specified position, default is -1, meaning to append at the end.
- Parameters:
child (Loop_Step) – The child to be added.
position (int) – (Default value = -1) The position, where to insert the child.
- append_to_model(item_model: QStandardItemModel, parent=None)
Overwrites this function to additionally append all children to the model.
- get_add_main_string()
This is overwritten to include the strings from the children
- get_children_strings(n_tabs=1)
Returns the protocol_strings of all the children.
- Parameters:
n_tabs (int) – (Default value = 1) Number of tabs for indentation inside the script
- Returns:
child_string – The string of all children’s protocol strings.
- Return type:
- get_outer_string()
This is overwritten to include the strings from the children
- get_protocol_short_string(n_tabs=0)
This is overwritten to include the strings from the children
- get_protocol_string(n_tabs=1)
Returns the string that is written into the protocol-file. To make use of the time_weight and status bar, it should start with printing, that the loop_step starts. Here it is overwritten to include the strings of the children.
- remove_child(child)
Removes the specified child from the children.
- Parameters:
child (Loop_Step) – Child step to be removed.
- update_time_weight()
The time_weight of the children is included.
- update_used_devices()
Includes the used devices of the children.
- update_variables()
Also updates the variables of the children.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.loop_step.Loop_Step_Name_Widget(parent=None, name='', is_active=True)
Simple class that provides the necessary widgets for the step’s name.
- active_changed
- change_active()
- change_name()
- name_changed
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Loop_Step_Name_Widget" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=name_changed(QString), parameters=QString #34 type=Signal, signature=active_changed(bool), parameters=bool )
nomad_camels.main_classes.manual_control module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.manual_control.Manual_Control(parent=None, title='Manual Control', control_data=None)
Parent class for manual controls.
This class provides the core functionality of a manual control in CAMELS. The parameters device, device_list and ophyd_device may or may not be used by the child class.
- name
The name of the manual control. It also determines the window title.
- Type:
- device
The device the manual control is using
- Type:
str, None
- device_list
A list of the devices, used. The specific implementation lies in the child classes.
- Type:
- ophyd_device
The device’s representation in ophyd.
- Type:
- closeEvent(a0: QCloseEvent) None
Overwritten, so that self.closing is emitted, telling the main UI window that this manual control is no longer opened.
- closing
- device_ready()
Called when the devices are ready to be used, i.e. when the instantiate_devices_thread is finished.
- propagate_exception(exception)
Propagates an exception to the main UI window.
- Parameters:
exception (Exception) – The exception to be propagated.
- start_device(device_name)
Starts a device by using the device_handling.InstantiateDevicesThread class.
- Parameters:
device_name (str) – The name of the device to be started.
- start_multiple_devices(device_names, channels=False)
Starts multiple devices at once.
- Parameters:
device_names (list) – A list of the names of the devices to be started, or the names of the channels, if channels is True.
channels (bool) – Whether ‘device_names’ are channel names or device names.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Manual_Control" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=closing() )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.manual_control.Manual_Control_Config(parent=None, control_data=None, title='Manual Control Config', control_type='')
- accept()
- closeEvent(a0: QCloseEvent) None
- Parameters:
a0 (QCloseEvent :)
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Manual_Control_Config" inherits "QDialog": )
nomad_camels.main_classes.measurement_channel module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.measurement_channel.Measurement_Channel(name='', output=False, device=None, metadata=None)
Class that represents one single channel. Most important attributes are the name, and the device.
- get_bluesky_name()
- get_meta_str()
- get_pv_name()
Returns the name of the corresponding EPICS PV.
- nomad_camels.main_classes.measurement_channel.from_pv_name(pv_name)
Returns the corresponding Channel-name of an EPICS PV.
- Parameters:
nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_2D module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_2D.LivePlot_2D(x, y, z, *, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, ax=None, xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', cmap='viridis', evaluator=None, stream_name='primary', **kwargs)
- clear_plot()
- descriptor(doc)
- Parameters:
- event(doc)
- Parameters:
- make_colormesh(x_shape=None, y_shape=None)
- new_data
- start(doc)
- Parameters:
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LivePlot_2D" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data() )
- update(x, y, I)
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_2D.PlotWidget_2D(x_name, y_name, z_name, *, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, parent=None, namespace=None, zlabel='', ylabel='', xlabel='', title='', stream_name='primary', **kwargs)
- autoscale()
- clear_plot()
- closeEvent(a0)
- Parameters:
- closing
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlotWidget_2D" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=closing() )
nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph module
This module contains the classes for the plot widgets, based on pyqtgraph.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.ListDeque_skip(iterable=None, maxlen=None, skip_n_points=0)
- append(item)
- appendleft(item)
- change_maxlen(maxlen)
- change_skip_n_points(skip_n_points)
- clear()
- extend(iterable)
- extendleft(iterable)
- pop()
- popleft()
- rotate(n=1)
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.LiveFitPlot(livefit, viewbox, plotItem, *, num_points=100, display_values=False, **kwargs)
- clear_plot()
- event(doc)
Passes the event to the livefit
- fit_has_result()
- get_ready()
Passes the command to the _livefit
- start(doc)
- update_plot()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.LivePlot(x_name, y_names, plot_item, *, maxlen=inf, multi_stream=False, evaluator=None, stream_name='primary', y_axes=None, title='', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, epoch='run', ax2_viewbox=None, ax2_axis=None, fitPlots=None, **kwargs)
Bluesky callback class for live plotting. This class is used to update the plot with new data.
- Parameters:
x_name (str) – The name of the x-axis variable
y_names (List[str]) – The name(s) of the y-axis variable(s)
plot_item (pg.PlotItem) – The plot item to plot the data on
maxlen ([int, np.inf], (default: np.inf)) – The maximum number of data points to show
multi_stream (bool, (default: False)) – Whether to use multiple streams. If True, all streams including the stream_name are used.
evaluator (Evaluator) – The evaluator object used to evaluate expressions.
stream_name (str, (default: 'primary')) – The name of the bluesky stream to use for the plot.
y_axes (Dict[str, int], (default: None)) – The y-axis to use for each y_name, the ints should be 1 or 2, if 2, the respective y-value is plotted on the right axis
title (str, (default: '')) – The title of the plot
xlabel (str, (default: '')) – The x-axis label, if empty the x_name is used
ylabel (str, (default: '')) – The y-axis label, if empty the first y_name is used
epoch ({'run', 'unix'}, (default: 'run')) – If ‘run’ t=0 is the time recorded in the RunStart document. If ‘unix’, t=0 is 1 Jan 1970 (“the UNIX epoch”).
ax2_viewbox (pg.ViewBox, (default: None)) – The viewbox for the second y-axis
ax2_axis (pg.AxisItem, (default: None)) – The axis for the second y-axis
fitPlots (List[LiveFitPlot], (default: [])) – The fit plots connected to the plot.
- add_plot(y)
- change_maxlen(maxlen)
- change_skip_n_points(n)
- clear_plot()
- descriptor(doc)
This method is called when a new descriptor document is received. If the descriptor is relevant, (compared with self.stream_name), the uid of the descriptor is added to the list of relevant descriptors. If the descriptor is a fit descriptor, the fit stream is added to the list of fits.
- Parameters:
doc (dict) – The descriptor document
- event(doc)
This method is called when a new event document is received. If the descriptor of the event is not in the list of relevant descriptors, the event is ignored. Otherwise, the data is extracted from the event and added to the plot.
- Parameters:
doc (dict) – The event document
- new_data_signal
- setup_done_signal
- start(doc)
This method is called when the RunStart document is received. It sets up the plot and the fits.
- Parameters:
doc (dict) – The RunStart document
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LivePlot" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data_signal() #5 type=Signal, signature=setup_done_signal() )
- stop(doc)
- update_caches(new_x, new_y)
- update_plot()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.LivePlot_2D(x, y, z, plotItem, graphics_layout, *, cmap='viridis', evaluator=None, stream_name='primary', **kwargs)
- change_maxlen(maxlen)
- clear_plot()
- descriptor(doc)
- event(self, event: PySide6.QtCore.QEvent) bool
- make_colormesh(x_shape=None, y_shape=None)
- new_data
- start(doc)
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LivePlot_2D" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data() )
- update(x, y, z)
- update_scatter()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.LivePlot_NoBluesky(plotItem, xlabel, ylabel, ylabel2, y_axes, ax2_viewbox=None, ax2_axis=None, labels=(), first_hidden=None)
- add_data(x, ys, add=True)
- change_maxlen(maxlen)
- clear_plot()
- new_data_signal
- setup_done_signal
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LivePlot_NoBluesky" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data_signal() #5 type=Signal, signature=setup_done_signal() )
- update_plot()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.PlotWidget(x_name, y_names=None, *, legend_keys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, epoch='run', parent=None, namespace=None, ylabel='', xlabel='', ylabel2='', title='', stream_name='primary', fits=None, do_plot=True, multi_stream=False, y_axes=None, logX=False, logY=False, logY2=False, maxlen=inf, use_bluesky=True, labels=(), first_hidden=None, **kwargs)
Class for creating a plot widget.
- Parameters:
x_name (str) – The name of the x-axis variable
y_names (Union[str, Tuple[str]]) – The name(s) of the y-axis variable(s)
legend_keys (List[str]) – deprecated
xlim (Tuple[float, float]) – deprecated
ylim (Tuple[float, float]) – deprecated
epoch ({'run', 'unix'}) – If ‘run’ t=0 is the time recorded in the RunStart document. If ‘unix’, t=0 is 1 Jan 1970 (“the UNIX epoch”). Default is ‘run’.
parent (QWidget, optional) – The parent widget, by default None
namespace (Mapping[str, Any], optional) – The namespace to use for the Evaluator, by default None
ylabel (str, optional) – The y-axis label, if empty the first y_name is used, by default ‘’
xlabel (str, optional) – The x-axis label, if empty the x_name is used, by default ‘’
title (str, optional) – The title of the plot, by default ‘’
stream_name (str) – The name of the bluesky stream to be used for the plot. If multi_stream is True, streams including this name are used. Default is ‘primary’
fits (List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, List[str], Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]]], optional) – The fits for the plot, by default None
do_plot (bool) – deprecated
multi_stream (bool, optional) – Whether to use multiple streams, see stream name, by default False
y_axes (Dict[str, int], optional) – The y-axis to use for each y_name, the ints should be 1 or 2, if 2, the respective y-value is plotted on the right axis, by default None
logX (bool) – Whether to use a logarithmic x-axis, by default False
logY (bool) – Whether to use a logarithmic y-axis, by default False
logY2 (bool) – Whether to use a logarithmic y-axis for the right axis, by default False
maxlen (int) – The maximum number of data points to show, by default np.inf
use_bluesky (bool)
**kwargs (Any, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to MultiLivePlot
- auto_range()
Also call the auto range for the second y-axis if it exists.
- change_maxlen()
Changes the maximum number of data points to show in the plot. Reads the value from the line edit and sets it as the new maximum length.
- change_skip_n_points()
- clear_plot()
Clears the plot and the fits.
- closeEvent(event)
Emits the closing signal when the widget is closed.
- closing
- make_toolbar()
Creates the toolbar for the plot widget. This toolbar is based on the context menu of the plot. The View All is connected with auto_range.
- reopened
- show_again()
- show_options()
Shows or hides the plot options. If the options are shown, the button text is changed to “Hide Options”, otherwise it is changed to “Show Options”.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlotWidget" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=closing() #34 type=Signal, signature=reopened() )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.PlotWidget_2D(x_name, y_name, z_name, parent=None, namespace=None, xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', title='', maxlen=inf, stream_name='primary', **kwargs)
- change_maxlen()
Changes the maximum number of data points to show in the plot. Reads the value from the line edit and sets it as the new maximum length.
- clear_plot()
- closeEvent(self, event: PySide6.QtGui.QCloseEvent) None
- closing
- make_toolbar()
- reopened
- show_again()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlotWidget_2D" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=closing() #34 type=Signal, signature=reopened() )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.Plot_Options(parent=None, livePlot=None)
Class for the plot options widget. This widget is used to change the appearance of the plot, such as the color, linestyle, marker, and log-scale of the axes.
- Parameters:
parent (QWidget, optional) – The parent widget, by default None
livePlot (LivePlot) – The LivePlot object connected to the plot widget, by default None
- change_color(row, just_update=False)
Changes the color of a PlotDataItem connected to the specified row.
- Parameters:
row (int) – The row of the item in the table widget
just_update (bool, (default: False)) – If True, only updates the color of the item to the one already set. If False, opens a color dialog to choose a new color.
- change_symbol(symbol, row)
Changes the symbol of a PlotDataItem connected to the specified row.
- Parameters:
symbol (str) – The new symbol
row (int) – The row of the item in the table widget
- set_log()
Sets the log-scale of the axes according to the checkboxes.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Plot_Options" inherits "QWidget": )
- update_plot_items()
Updates the items in the table widget to match the items in the plot.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.Teleporter
- name_doc_escape
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Teleporter" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=name_doc_escape(QString,QVariantMap,PyObject), parameters=QString, QVariantMap, PyObject )
- nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.activate_dark_mode()
Changes the plot-style to dark-mode, by changing the config options of pyqtgraph.
- nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_pyqtgraph.handle_teleport(name, doc, obj)
nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.Fit_Ophyd(prefix='', *, name, kind=None, read_attrs=None, configuration_attrs=None, parent=None, params=None, parent_fit=None, **kwargs)
A device that extends the functionality of the Device class from Ophyd. It is included in the LiveFit_Eva class.
- a
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- b
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- c
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- component_names = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 'covar', 'read_ready')
- covar
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- d
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- e
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- f
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- g
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- h
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- i
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- j
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- k
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- l
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- m
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- n
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- o
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- p
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- q
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- r
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- read()
Overwrites the read method from Device. Stops reading, as soon as the number of parameters is reached.
- read_ready
A descriptor representing a device component (or signal)
Unrecognized keyword arguments will be passed directly to the component class initializer.
- Parameters:
cls (class) –
Class of signal to create. The required signature of cls.__init__ is (if suffix is given):
def __init__(self, pv_name, parent=None, **kwargs):
or (if suffix is None)
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
The class may have a wait_for_connection() which is called during the component instance creation.
suffix (str, optional) – The PV suffix, which gets appended onto
to generate the final PV that the instance component will bind to. Also seeadd_prefix
lazy (bool, optional) – Lazily instantiate the signal. If
, the signal will be instantiated upon component instantiation. Defaults tocomponent.lazy_default
.trigger_value (any, optional) – Mark as a signal to be set on trigger. The value is sent to the signal at trigger time.
add_prefix (sequence, optional) – Keys in the kwargs to prefix with the Device PV prefix during creation of the component instance. Defaults to
('suffix', 'write_pv', )
doc (str, optional) – string to attach to component DvcClass.component.__doc__
- subscriptions: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset({'acq_done'})
- update_data(result, timestamp)
Update the data of all the components. For each fit parameter, the corresponding component is updated.
- Parameters:
result (lmfit.model.ModelResult) – The result of the fit.
timestamp (float) – The timestamp of the fit. Used to update the timestamp metadata of the components.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.Fit_Plot_No_Init_Guess(livefit, *, num_points=100, legend_keys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, ax=None, ax_is2=False, display_values=False, **kwargs)
A subclass of LiveFitPlot that doesn’t plot the initial guess for the fit.
- clear_plot()
Empties the data of the current plot line.
- event(doc)
Passes the event to the livefit
- Parameters:
- fit_has_result()
If the livefit has a result, a resulting line is calculated, and the plot is updated. Called by LiveFit_Eva.update_fit().
- get_ready()
Passes the command to the _livefit
- start(doc)
Overwrites the start method of LiveFitPlot to not display the init_guess_line.
- Parameters:
- update_plot()
Sets the current x and y data, then calls the parent_plot to update.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.Fit_Signal(name, value=0.0, timestamp=None, parent=None, labels=None, kind='hinted', tolerance=None, rtolerance=None, metadata=None, cl=None, attr_name='')
A subclass of ophyd.SignalRO for storing fit results
This class is a subclass of ophyd.SignalRO, which is used to store the results of a fit. It has an additional method update_data that updates the readback value and timestamp metadata of the signal.
- subscriptions: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset({'meta', 'value'})
- update_data(result, timestamp)
Updates the readback value and timestamp metadata of the signal. Called by the parent’s update_data function.
- Parameters:
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.LiveFit_Eva(model, y, independent_vars, evaluator, init_guess=None, additional_data=None, *, name='', params=None, stream_name='primary')
LiveFit_Eva is a subclass of LiveFit that adds the ability to evaluate the independent variables before fitting. It uses the given evaluator for that.
- event(doc)
Handles new events received by the fit. Evaluates the independent variables using the evaluator and updates the fit with the new data.
- Parameters:
- get_ready()
This function is used to set the ready_to_read attribute to True.
- update_fit()
Update the fit by evaluating the model with the current data.
This method updates the fit by evaluating the current data using the model defined by the user. The method uses the params attribute, if available, to pass on the parameters to the fitting method. If the fit is not stale (i.e. no new data has arrived since the last update) the method will return without doing anything. Otherwise, the method updates the result attribute with the fit result and the ophyd_fit with the updated data. It also calls the fit_has_result method on the parent plot. Before doing anything, it will wait for ready_to_read to be True.
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.MPLwidget
Custom QT widget for displaying matplotlib plots.
This class inherits from matplotlib’s FigureCanvasQTAgg to create a custom QT widget for displaying matplotlib plots. In the init method, a new figure and axes are created using matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(). The grid is then displayed on the axes.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("MPLwidget" inherits "FigureCanvasQTAgg": )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.MultiLivePlot(ys=(), x=None, *, legend_keys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, ax=None, epoch='run', xlabel='', ylabel='', evaluator=None, title='', stream_name='primary', do_plot=True, fitPlots=None, multi_stream=False, y_axes=None, ax2=None, ylabel2='', **kwargs)
- change_maxlen(maxlen)
- Parameters:
- clear_plot()
- descriptor(doc)
- Parameters:
- event(doc)
Unpack data from the event and call self.update_plot().
- Parameters:
- new_data
- setup_done
- start(doc)
- Parameters:
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("MultiLivePlot" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data() #5 type=Signal, signature=setup_done() )
- stop(doc)
- Parameters:
- update_caches(x, ys)
- Parameters:
- update_plot()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.MultiPlot_NoBluesky(ax, xlabel='', ylabel='', ylabel2='', y_axes=None, labels=(), first_hidden=None, show_plot=True)
- add_data(x, ys, add=True)
- Parameters:
add – (Default value = True)
- change_maxlen(maxlen)
- Parameters:
- clear_plot()
- new_data
- setup_done
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("MultiPlot_NoBluesky" inherits "QObject": Methods: #4 type=Signal, signature=new_data() #5 type=Signal, signature=setup_done() )
- update_plot()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.PlotWidget(x_name, y_names, *, legend_keys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, epoch='run', parent=None, namespace=None, ylabel='', xlabel='', title='', stream_name='primary', fits=None, do_plot=True, multi_stream=False, y_axes=None, logX=False, logY=False, logY2=False, maxlen=inf, **kwargs)
Class for creating a plot widget.
- Parameters:
x_name (str) – The name of the x-axis variable
y_names (Union[str, Tuple[str]]) – The name(s) of the y-axis variable(s)
legend_keys (List[str], optional) – The keys for the legend, by default None
xlim (Tuple[float, float], optional) – passed to Axes.set_xlim
ylim (Tuple[float, float], optional) – passed to Axes.set_ylim
epoch ({'run', 'unix'}, optional) – If ‘run’ t=0 is the time recorded in the RunStart document. If ‘unix’, t=0 is 1 Jan 1970 (“the UNIX epoch”). Default is ‘run’.
parent (QWidget, optional) – The parent widget, by default None
namespace (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) – The namespace to use for the Evaluator, by default None
ylabel (str, optional) – The y-axis label, by default ‘’
xlabel (str, optional) – The x-axis label, by default ‘’
title (str, optional) – The title of the plot, by default ‘’
stream_name (str, optional) – The name of the stream to be used for the plot. Default is ‘primary’
fits (List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, List[str], Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]]], optional) – The fits for the plot, by default None
do_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to show the plot, by default True
**kwargs (Any, optional) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to MultiLivePlot
- ax
The matplotlib axes of the plot
- Type:
- x_name
The name of the x-axis variable
- Type:
- y_names
The name(s) of the y-axis variable(s)
- Type:
- stream_name
The name of the stream
- Type:
- fits
The fits for the plot as they come from the fit/plot definer.
- Type:
List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, List[str], Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]]]
- liveFits
The live fit objects for the plot, handled by the liveFitPlots
- Type:
- liveFitPlots
The live fit plots for the plot, used to display the fits
- Type:
- livePlot
The live plot, using the canvas etc.
- Type:
- toolbar
The toolbar for the plot
- Type:
- pushButton_show_options
The push button to show the plot options
- Type:
- pushButton_autoscale
The push button to autoscale the plot
- Type:
- plot_options
The options widget for the plot
- Type:
- options_open
Whether the options are currently open
- Type:
- autoscale()
Autoscale the plot’s x and y axis.
- change_maxlen()
- clear_plot()
Clear the plot by removing the data from the plot and clearing all fit plots.
- closeEvent(a0)
Overwrite the closeEvent to emit the closing signal before closing the window.
- Parameters:
- closing
- show_options()
Show or hide the options for the plot. Toggles between ‘Show Options’ and ‘Hide Options’ on the button press.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlotWidget" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=closing() )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.PlotWidget_NoBluesky(xlabel='', ylabel='', parent=None, title='', ylabel2='', y_axes=None, labels=(), first_hidden=None, show_plot=True, maxlen=inf)
- autoscale()
- change_maxlen()
- clear_plot()
Clear the plot by removing the data from the plot and clearing all fit plots.
- show_options()
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlotWidget_NoBluesky" inherits "QWidget": )
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.Plot_Options(parent=None, ax=None, livePlot=None, ax2=None)
Widget for setting the options of a plot.
- Parameters:
parent (QWidget, optional) – The parent widget.
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The axes to plot on.
livePlot (LivePlot, optional) – The LivePlot to set the options for.
ax2 (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The second (y) axes to plot on.
- change_color(row)
- Parameters:
- change_linestyle(row)
Changes the linestyle of the selected line in the plot.
- Parameters:
row (int) – The row of the line in the table.
- change_marker(row)
- Parameters:
- set_log()
- setup_table(x=None, y=None)
Sets up the table with the current lines in the plot.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Plot_Options" inherits "QWidget": )
- nomad_camels.main_classes.plot_widget.activate_dark_mode()
Changes the plot-style to dark-mode.
nomad_camels.main_classes.protocol_class module
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.protocol_class.General_Protocol_Settings(parent=None, protocol=<nomad_camels.main_classes.protocol_class.Measurement_Protocol object>)
Widget for the configuration of the general protocol settings. Here plots may be defined and variables added to the protocol.
- add_variable()
Add a variable to the list, given a unique name, then updates the protocol.
- adjust_text_edit_size_prot()
Adjusts the size of the textEdit_desc_protocol based on its content.
- check_use_ending_steps()
If the checkBox_perform_at_end is checked, the ending_protocol_selection is enabled, otherwise disabled.
- enable_disable_config()
- name_change()
- name_changed
- remove_variable()
Removes the selected variable.
- showEvent(event)
Called when the widget is shown.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("General_Protocol_Settings" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #33 type=Signal, signature=name_changed() )
- update_step_config()
Updates all the protocol settings.
- update_variable_select()
- class nomad_camels.main_classes.protocol_class.Measurement_Protocol(loop_steps=None, plots=None, channels=None, name='', use_nexus=True, **kwargs)
Class for the measurement protocols. It mainly contains loop_steps and plots.
- description
A string describing the protocol.
- Type:
- export_csv
If True, the data will be exported to a csv file in the end.
- Type:
- export_json
If True, the metadata will be exported to a json file in the end.
- Type:
- session_name
This name is appended to the entry in the hdf5-file, or used for the filenames of csv / json to make it easier for the user to recognize their measurements
- Type:
- loop_steps
A list of the steps performed by the protocol. This list also represents the order, in which the steps should be performed. The step’s children steps are not included in this list.
- Type:
- loop_step_dict
Keys are the steps’ names with the steps being the value. The sub-steps are included here.
- Type:
- filename
The name of the produced datafile.
- Type:
- variables
Name-value pairs of the protocol variables
- Type:
- loop_step_variables
Name-value pairs of the variables provided by the steps (e.g. for loop)
- Type:
- channels
Dictionary of the channel-names and channels used inside the protocol
- Type:
- name
The name of the protocol. This also appears in the main UI
- Type:
- use_nexus
Whether to write a NeXus-entry into the datafile as well.
- Type:
- add_loop_step(loop_step, position=-1, parent_step_name=None, model=None)
Adds a loop_step to the protocol (or the parent_step)at the specified position. Also appends the loop_step to the given model. The loop_step is added to the list as well as the dictionary.
- Parameters:
loop_step (Loop_Step) – The step that should be added
position (int) – (Default value = -1) Where in the list to add the step
parent_step_name (str, None) – (Default value = None) If the step is not in the outermost layer, its parent’s name. Then position will not be for the protocol’s list, but the parent’s children-list.
model (QAbstractItemModel, None) – (Default value = None) The item model that is used to display the steps.
- add_loop_step_rec(loop_step, model=None, parent_step_name=None, position=-1)
Recursively adds the loop_step and all its children to the protocol. Steps are added to the list if they have no parent, otherwise to the parent. All are added to the dictionary.
- Parameters:
loop_step (Loop_Step) – The step that should be added
model (QAbstractItemModel, None) – (Default value = None) The item model that is used to display the steps.
parent_step_name (str) – (Default value = None) If the step is not in the outermost layer, its parent’s name. Then position will not be for the protocol’s list, but the parent’s children-list.
position (int) – (Default value = -1) Where in the list to add the step
- get_add_main_string()
Gets all the steps that should be executed in the protocol’s main function.
- get_live_interaction_string()
Returns the string for the live interaction of the protocol.
- get_outer_string()
Strings outside of all other functions of the script, e.g. more functions to create step-specific plots.
- get_plan_string()
Get the string for the protocol-plan, including the loopsteps.
- get_short_string()
Goes through all steps and creates an overview of what is happening in the protocol.
- get_total_steps()
Returns the total number of steps (including repetitions for loops)
- get_used_devices()
Get a list of all devices needed by any loopstep.
- load_loop_steps(loop_steps, model=None)
Takes a list of loop_steps, creates them (with the input data of each step) and adds them to the specified model.
- Parameters:
loop_steps (list) – A list containing all the information (as dictionary) for creating the single steps.
model (QAbstractItemModel, None) – (Default value = None) The item model that is used to display the steps.
- make_step(step_info)
Creates the step specified with step_info (including the children), ‘step_type’ gives which subclass of Loop_Step shall be created.
- Parameters:
step_info (dict) – This dictionary should hold all information needed to create the step. Specifically there should be “step_type” to decide on the class of step and “full_name” to give the step its name.
- Returns:
st – The created step
- Return type:
- rearrange_loop_steps(step_list)
Takes a list of loopsteps, each entry consisting of a tuple of the loopstep name and its children, which is recursively the same kind of list. Re-populates the loop_step_dict and then puts the loop_steps in the correct order.
- Parameters:
step_list (list[(str, [list(str, ...)])]) – Contains tuples with the first entry being the names of the steps in the order they should be arranged to and the second entry being a list of the steps’ children. That list should be structured the same way as this step_list.
- remove_loop_step(loop_step_name)
Removes the step with the given name from the sequence-list (or parent) and from the dictionary.
- Parameters:
loop_step_name (str) – The name of the step that is to be removed.
- update_variables()
Update all the variables provided by loopsteps.
- nomad_camels.main_classes.protocol_class.append_all_children(child_list, step, step_dict)
Takes a list of the kind specified in rearrange_loop_steps, does the same as the other function, but recursively for all the (grand-)children.
- Parameters:
child_list (list[(str, [list(str, ...)])]) – Contains tuples with the first entry being the names of the steps in the order they should be arranged to and the second entry being a list of the steps’ children. That list should be structured the same way as this child_list.
step (Loop_Step_Container) – The step to which the children should be appended.
step_dict (dict) – A dictionary containing (among others) the steps of child_list.
- nomad_camels.main_classes.protocol_class.update_all_children(step_dict, step)
Similar to append_all_children, but only updating the step_dict with all the children, i.e. writing them into the dictionary.
- Parameters:
step_dict (dict) – Dictionary, where to write all the steps
step (Loop_Step) – The step to be added to the dictionary. If it has child-steps, all of them will be added to the dictionary recursively.